Get crispy skin baked potatoes that are flavorful and have a fluffy internal flesh with this easy recipe. Brine and baked to perfection.
Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
Rinse potatoes under cool water to remove any excess dirt. Use a fork and prick the potato three times on all four sides including once on each end. This will help to keep the potatoes from blowing up in the oven while baking. Next we are going to make a simple brine by pouring water and salt into a bowl and stir until salt has dissolved. Then give the potatoes a salt bath by rolling them in the brine water until they are fully coated.
Place potatoes evenly spaced apart in a 450 degree Fahrenheit preheated oven directly on the baking rack. Bake for 45 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 210 degrees Fahrenheit. We use an instant read thermometer that has a small probe to puncture the potato.
Note: Since potato sizes vary the baking time will vary as well. The larger the potato a longer baking time may be required.
Once the internal temperature of the potato has reached 210 degrees Fahrenheit carefully remove each potato from the oven using oven mitts and place on plate. Use a sharp knife and slice the crispy potato down the center from end to end and then gently push potato ends in towards the center. The potato will pop open and expose its fluffy goodness.
Fluff inside edges of the potato with a fork and place a pat or two of butter into the piping hot potato and serve immediately. Add other topping like sour cream, crème fraiche, grated cheese, bacon pieces, chives or other toppings as desired and enjoy!