Boost Your Immune System With Natural Antibiotics
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Healing Naturally
Alternative ways to healing with natural antibiotics.
Natural antibiotics are often overlooked when one begins to feel the slightest inkling of a cold coming on.

Many times the first reaction is to make a visit to the doctor’s office as soon as possible with intentions of receiving a prescription for an antibiotic. Kinda like trying to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand. I know as I used to be guilty of this same practice.
As we continue to take antibiotics prescribed by our physicians sometimes the organisms we are trying to ward off become resistant to these medications and o longer work at fighting off the infections.
I’m not suggesting to stop taking prescribed antibiotics from your physician by all means. Your doctor knows what is best for you.
What I am suggesting is to include some natural antibiotics into your daily diet (in moderation) in boosting your immune system.

Before jumping in full force with natural antibiotics you should always check with your physician as some natural antibiotics may interfere with medications being prescribed by your physician.

Natural Antibiotics
Some people are becoming more conscious of what they are ingesting into their bodies and trying to take the more holistic natural approach when it comes to fighting off colds and infections.
Antibiotics are most often prescribed to prevent the spread of serious infectious diseases, aid in a speedy recovery and prevent further complications.

Below I will share with you some natural antibiotics that have been used for years that we may take for granted today. Some of which you may already be familiar with, others maybe not so much and may even have some of these healing agents in your kitchen at this very moment.
Natural Antibiotics; Apple Cider Vinegar

Probably the most popular natural healer is Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) as it has been around for many years. It is made from fermented apples.
Although I will not go into great details on all the medicinal benefits of ACV because the list can be astronomical. But you can read about and explore the miracle health benefits of organic, raw apple cider vinegar, a natural detox, antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs and bacteria through this book found on Amazon: Apple Cider Vinegar: Miracle Health System (Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System: With the Bragg Healthy Lifestyle)
Some Benefits of ACV
- Can kill and or decrease many types of harmful bacteria
- Helps with blood sugar and blood pressure control
- Decreases the growth of Salmonella making it great on salads
- May help boost weight loss and reduce belly fat
A Few Disadvantages of ACV
- It tastes terrible alone
- The acid may erode teeth enamel if not diluted
- It may exacerbate Acid Reflux
- People with kidney disease may not be able to process the extra acid
What I will mention about ACV is you just can’t use any ole ACV it has to be the vinegar with the probiotic “Mother”. Bragg’s ACV can be purchased in most grocery stores but if you can’t locate it you can always purchase a one pack bottle online here.
How To Add ACV To Your Diet
A few ways I include ACV into my diet is by dipping my french fries just as you would with ketchup, serve with fish, place a few tablespoons in cooked spinach and in salad dressings.
My mother swears by ACV and encouraged me to take 2 Tablespoons in an 8 ounce glass of water. Although I thought she was crazy at first now I am a believer.
It’s easy to incorporate ACV into recipes. Take for instance my salad recipes: Three Bean Salad, Homemade Mayonnaise, Potato Salad, Chickpea Vegetable Salad, Vinegar Slaw, and Seven Layer Salad Dressing. I even use ACV to help bring out the minerals and nutrients from bones when making Beef Bone Broth and Chicken Bone Broth recipes.
If you can’t handle the taste of ACV they do make ACV supplements but please be sure to check with your doctor before adding any supplements to your diet.
Natural Antibiotics; Ginger

Some recipes will call for ginger. You can not or should not use fresh ginger in place of ginger spice. Although, you can reconstitute dried cracked ginger in place of fresh ginger. I prefer fresh ginger but I do like keeping the cracked ginger on hand.
Fresh ginger can be used for pickling, beverages (including ginger beer, ginger ale and teas) whereas ground ginger is used in baking recipes like cookies.
Some Benefits of Ginger
- Fresh ginger helps fight infections
- May reduce muscle and joint pain and soreness (may be helpful for those with osteoarthritis.
- Reduces nausea and vomiting
- Calms the tummy; aids in digestion
- May lower cholesterol levels
There are more benefits of ginger explained in this book: Ginger For Health: 100 Amazing and Unexpected Uses for Ginger
A Few Disadvantages of Ginger
- May cause headaches or heartburn
- May lower blood sugar and blood pressure
- Diarrhea or general stomach discomfort
- Mouth or throat irritation
- Consult with physician if pregnant
How To Add Ginger To Your Diet
You may want to try my ginger ale recipe as it is real tasty. Fresh ginger is usually served with sushi dishes and is often eaten between bites. I also have an elderberry syrup recipe that uses fresh ginger for medicinal purposes.
You can buy fresh or ground ginger at your local grocery store or purchase ginger supplements online. Please be sure to check with your doctor before adding any supplements to your diet.
Natural Antibiotics; Honey

Honey is amazing to me. Isn’t it miraculous how bees can make honey. Not just any bee but the honey bee! And not just honey but RAW HONEY!
Did you know for the honey bee to produce 1 pound of honey it must visit nearly 2 million flowers! Isn’t that amazing!
Help save the bees and plant flowers especially for these wonderful creatures.
Some Benefits of Raw Honey
- Has antibacterial and antiseptic properties
- Helps in healing wounds and supporting good bacteria
- Soothes sore throats
- Helps with digestion
- It is full of antioxidants which may help lower blood pressure
A Few Disadvantages of Honey
Honey should not be considered a healthy alternative for those with diabetes nor should it be give to children less than one year of age.
Please do not confuse honey sauce with natural raw honey.
Before too long honey may become expensive as the honey bee population continues to decline.
How To Add Honey To Your Diet
There are many different ways to add honey to your diet. Try adding a teaspoon of honey over some fresh toasted bread. Instead of adding sugar to your coffee or tea try using honey. There are a gazillion ways to using honey. I switched from sugar in my coffee to honey and love it!
For complete and updated information check out The New Honey Revolution Paperback. This book provides a full list of health benefits of honey with new information from current research. It’s available in Kindle too.
Natural Antibiotics; Garlic

The most health benefit of garlic comes from fresh garlic when being chopped, crushed or chewed. Not only fresh garlic but garlic supplements have also been known to help prevent and reduce the severity of common illnesses like that of the flu or common cold.
If you would like more information see the Healing Benefits of Garlic.
Some Benefits of Garlic
- Builds a stronger immune system
- Supports healthy heart and may lower risk of heart disease
- Can reduce blood pressure
- May reduce the “bad” cholesterol LDL
- May prevent dementia and alzheimer’s disease
A Few Disadvantages of Garlic
- May cause heartburn
- It will cause bad breath and may cause body odor
- May cause intestinal gas, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
- May increase the risk of bleeding
How To Add Garlic To Your Diet
It’s easy to add garlic to your diet. Use a garlic press , press a few cloves and add to recipes.
I have a few recipes that call for garlic. There is one recipe that uses an entire head of garlic and that is the Sicilian Garlic Dip. You talk about intense. It sure is yummy though! I believe it will keep the vampires away too (wink wink).
Some of my salad recipes that include garlic: Garlic Croutons and Caesar Salad Dressing. Main dish recipes with garlic: Black Bean Fettuccine with Creamy Garlic White Cannellini Sauce, Stuffed Cabbage Rolls, and my most liked recipe for Chicken Spiedini.
And if you can’t handle the taste of garlic they do make Garlic supplements but please be sure to check with your doctor before adding any supplements to your diet.
Natural Antibiotics; Cloves

Some Benefits of Clove
- Can kill off bacteria
- May promote bone health
- May protect against cancer
- Provides antibacterial properties
- Keep blood sugar levels in check
A Few Disadvantages of Clove
- May cause itching or even a rash
- sexual dysfunctions (erection problem or delayed ejaculation)
How To Add Cloves To Your Diet
Cloves come whole or in powder form. When whole, the clove can be softened by soaking or cooking in water. Add cloves to smoothies, soups or stews. Again, I uses cloves in my Elderberry Spice Syrup recipe to promote better health.
For more complete information check out this book on Clove Benefits.
Natural Antibiotics; Pineapples

Ripe pineapples contains the enzyme bromelain, which fights infections and has a healing antibiotic effect when ingested. I highly recommend pineapple over orange juice when someone is ill with cold like symptoms.
Some Benefits of Pineapple
- Soothes a sore throat
- Aids the body to expel mucous easily
- Reduces wrinkles
- Helps with collagen formation
A Few Disadvantages of Pineapples
- Pineapples are high in sugar and must be avoided by those with diabetes or who are overweight
- Can cause cavities
Natural Antibiotics; Cranberries

Cranberries have been shown to having effective natural antibiotic traits and primarily used in preventing and treating urinary tract infections.
Some Benefits of Cranberries
- Prevents urinary tract infections
- Improve digestion
- Boost immune system
- May reduce bad cholesterol
Interested in more benefits involving cranberry consumption check out this book: Health Benefits of Cranberries – For Cooking and Healing on Kindle or in paperback.
A Few Disadvantages of Cranberries
Fresh cranberries are a seasonal fruit making fresh cranberries only available during the fall/winter months.
When cranberry juice and cranberry extracts have been taken in excess they may cause mild stomach upset, diarrhea and kidney stones but overall cranberries are safe for most people when taken by mouth appropriately. Remember what I mentioned earlier? Moderation. Adding these “Superfoods” in moderation should be safe.
Since studies have been slim on how cranberries affect pregnancy please check with your physician or omit them completely.
How To Add Cranberries To Your Diet
Around Thanksgiving I will purchase several bags of fresh cranberries, found in the produce section, and freeze for use later in the year. I always fix a batch of fresh cranberry sauce for the holidays. Find my recipe here.
Add cranberry juice to your grocery list every once in a while or you can get cranberry supplements to keep in check. Please be sure to check with your doctor before adding any supplements to your diet.
Since I have brought up the subject of urinary tract infections that brings me to the thoughts of silver.
Silver Is It A Natural Antibiotic?

Silver has been well know for many years as the #1 Natural Antibiotic. It has been talked about as being a safe multipurpose bacterial killer. I have often heard individuals say silver wipes out the “SUPERBUGS”.
Although there have been no true “medical studies” on the consumption of silver, it is learned from the makers and providers of silver colloidal products that it will not compromise the immune system like prescribed antibiotics. It even helps boost resistance. They also claim silver kills Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus also known as MRSA along with over 650 other different varieties of bad bacteria both topically and internally.
As a nurse, I am very skeptical of actually ingesting any form of silver. The so-called facts do sound very promising by the providers but I need a little more information.
In 1999 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled that colloidal silver was not considered safe or effective.
This colloidal silver being promoted throughout the internet is considered “misbranded” under the law without appropriate FDA approval. Plus, there is not enough scientific information on this product therefore, I will need further information from the FDA on the safety of this mineral before I would promote it, only because I have had a patient that has experienced irreversible side effects from ingesting silver colloids. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-779/colloidal-silver/
Some Benefits of Silver
- Silver tipped Foley catheters have been clinically proven to reduce catheter associated urinary tract infections
- Silver sulfadiazine cream prescribed by a physician is used to prevent and treat wound infections in patients with second-and-third-degree burns
- Another product used for wounds is a silver foam dressing known as Silver Alginate as it inhibits bacterial growth in the wound bed
- Silver nitrate, only available in the healthcare setting, is used to debride wounds and for cauterization purposes
Disadvantages of Ingesting Silver Colloids
What I am about to say is true. Absolutely true! And how do I know? EXPERIENCE! I had a patient once that ingested about a shot-glass full of silver infused water on a daily basis and her skin turned blue! BLUE!
Skin turning blue is a side effect from ingesting silver colloids known as argyria. Argyria is not treatable or reversible therefore this woman will remain blue for the rest of her life.
So, if you are thinking about using Silver as a natural antibiotic please think again and consult with your physician.
If I have heightened your curiosity read more about Chelated Silver in the description section here.

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One Comment
Bella Tolentino
This is great information especially in this time of the COVID-19. We need to boost our immune system to stay safe. I didn’t know that cloves at such great benefit! I will need to add them in my routine 🤗