Essential Oil Aromatherapy; The Best Nebulizing Diffuser
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What is an Essential Oil Diffuser
An essential oil diffuser disperses therapeutic oil or a combination of oils into the air. It can be used for aroma therapy and to purify the air – killing bacteria and viruses.

Types of Diffusers
There are at least four different types of diffusers on the market to disperse essential oils.
- Ultrasonic (requires the addition of water with oil producing a fine mist into the air)
- Heat (The use of heat changes the chemical structure of oils being dispersed limiting the health benefits)
- Evaporative (usually uses a fan to generate wind to evaporate oils)
- Nebulizer (releases the purest form of essential oils)
Get The Proper Benefits Out Of Essential Oils With The Best Diffuser
To get the full benefit when diffusing therapeutic essential oils be aware that not all diffusers produce favorable outcomes.
Adding Water Or Heat To Oils
Some essential oil diffusers encourage the consumer to add water to the oils.
Water and oil do not mix and if they do mix then the oil is probably not a pure form of oil.
Using heat to diffuse essential oils only changes the chemical structure and may not produce the health benefits you’re trying to achieve.
The Evaporative Method
Evaporating essential oils is not a favorable method. For one thing, in my opinion, it takes for-ever to even get any therapeutic results.
The evaporative method dries out the oil and it gets real thick. Yuck!
The Nebulizer Diffuser
The nebulizing diffuser is the only way to go. As it delivers the purest form of essential oils into the air.
I have been using a nebulizing diffuser for over twenty-years and absolutely love it!
Nebulizer Diffuser Uses No Water and No Heat
This aromatherapy diffuser uses nothing but pressurized air.
Deliver the purest form of essential oils to achieve the health benefits you’re looking for by using Organic Aroma’s Diffuser.
About Organic Aromas Diffuser
Organic Aroma’s has a variety of hand-crafted bases to choose. This type of nebulizing essential oil diffusers are the best choice for those who wish to experience the fantastic aroma and full health value of only pure essential oils.
It has a sturdy base that has an on/off switch and controls the flow of the output. Meaning you control how slow or fast the oils are diffused.

It has a delicate hand-blown glass reservoir that fits into the base.
The glass reservoir holds 20-25 drops of essential oil. Inside the reservoir are two micro tubes that perform certain functions.
One tube is the essential oil uptake where as the other micro tube produces the pressurized air outflow. Both tubes work together to disperse the oil.
Lighted Diffuser
For added benefits of aromatherapy Organic Aromas has the capability of turning on the light feature with a touch of a button.
Below are several of the ever changing colors the diffuser produces.

Benefits of an Essential Oil Diffuser by Organic Aromas
- Promotes well-being.
- Extremely quiet so it doesn’t disrupt work, play, or sleep.
- Delivers the complete therapeutic value of essential oils to you.
- Uses not water or heat.
- High quality; no plastic parts.
In short, you get all of the benefits that people talk about when discussing essential oils and essential oil blends but without any of the risks or hassles that other methods of diffusing can bring.
It’s perfect to use at home, work, in a spa setting or as a gift that someone will love.
I highly recommend Organic Aromas Diffuser.

Oil Carrier
I’m not talking about carrier oils for essential oils. What I am talking about is a carrier for your oils.
This carrier has soft padded cloth interior to protect glass bottles. There are two carrier. One that holds up to 30 or 56 bottles – 5ml, 10ml, and 15ml or .

Unboxing My New Nebulizer
If you like essential oils please be sure to share my recommendation on any of the social media’s below.
What Happens In Jett’s Kitchen; See All Here
Essential oils can be toxic to dogs and cats. For expert advice on using essential oils around pets read here.