How To Go Gray Gracefully
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Transitioning to gray hair is not an easy process. I’m sharing steps on how to go gray gracefully all in less than a year.
I share my personal experience of not only what you’ll need to color your hair at home but also how to color your hair, what products I used and how I used them, and then the products I used to get me to the final stage before I stopped coloring my hair completely. I also discuss how to get your hair to grow faster while going gray. NO, I’m not a cosmetologist but I did consult with my long time beautician throughout my transition from being a brunette to becoming a “Silver Fox”.
Is it Possible to Go Gray Gracefully within a years time?
If you have been coloring your hair to cover the gray for at least 3 years plus then yes, it is very possible to go gray within a year. I can say this with confidence because I am living proof!
You see, I was a brunette that started having my hair professionally colored to cover my gray right around the age of 25 by a professional cosmetologist. I was having this done about every three months. Then as time passed I had to have my hair colored more often which became very expensive over time. When that happened I stopped going to the beauty shop and turned to over-the-counter home permanent coloring kits. After personally coloring my hair with home permanent hair color kits for about five years I finally decided the end to coloring was near. I will share with you my journey and how I transitioned from being a brunette to going full gray in less than one year.

Why Should You Quit Coloring Your Hair
- Applying harsh chemicals like those found in hair color can make hair brittle, unhealthy and lead to breakage.
- Although unproven, could hair dyes lead to cancer? We’ve been putting this dye on our scalp, our head, near our brain for years! What the heck!? Why is there not any proven studies. Kind of scary!
- Permanent hair dyes, especially those with peroxide, can leave hair dry, unmanageable and straw like. I know I can relate. Can you?
- Coloring your hair can be expensive. After all, we’ve been coloring our hair for years. Have you ever thought how much money you’ve spent on coloring your hair? Oh, my! This is a scary thought.
- Time! Coloring hair takes time especially when you have to color monthly or twice a month. I don’t know about you but my time is precious these days. I’ve got places to go, things to do and people to see!
- Once you quit coloring your hair you will really be able to feel the difference as your natural hair will feel soft and silky.
How To Get Healthy Hair and Increase Hair Growth
Before going grey you’ll want to consider getting your hair healthy while going through the transition. After all, you want your hair to grow fast during the no color phase. You’ll want to start by feeding your body with good healthy products that promote hair growth. Foods that can help with hair growth include: fresh spinach, salmon, eggs, sweet potatoes, and fresh berries like strawberries and blueberries. I really noticed my hair started to grow faster after I ditched the sodas and started drinking ice cold water and kombucha. Adding collagen peptides to your diet or drinking bone broth are both excellent products for stimulating hair growth. And finally, apply a small amount of this non greasy calendula oil to your hair and massage into your scalp. Massaging your scalp will stimulate hair follicles thus encourage hair growth and make hair healthier and thicker.
How To Cover Gray Roots at Home Without Permanent Color
An easy way to coloring gray roots at home is by a temporary means. Something you can put in and easily wash out. I initially started using this root cover up color spray. But when I consulted with my beautician she recommended using a different cover up produce that was a powder. So naturally, I began using this instant brush-on root cover up powder. This product seemed to work very well and covered my grey roots instantly! Using the cover-up powder was perfect for concealing gray roots and for in-between colorings. It also worked well for around the hair line. If you want to learn how to actually cover your gray and color your hair at home please proceed.
Essentials for Coloring Hair at Home
When coloring your hair at home do so when you’ll have little to no distractions for at least one hour and be sure to color your hair in an area that is free of carpet. Below are a few recommendations and essential items that you’ll want to have on hand before even starting the coloring process at home.
- An old towel – one that you won’t care if it gets discolored or ruined
- Hair dye gloves (clear or black)
- Applicator bottle
- After Color Sealer
- An old T-shirt – one that you won’t care if it gets discolored or ruined

Home Permanent Hair Coloring Product for Covering Gray
Before using any of the hair color products listed below I highly recommend checking with your personal hairdresser first to make sure these products will be safe on your currently treated hair.
Liquid-Crème Permanent Hair Color
I started using this permanent hair color product that was targeted for “Aging Hair”. This product seemed to be gentle on my hair and left it shiny. This cream coloring product is focused on 100% grey coverage. I loved this product as it did cover my gray very well plus it was much cheaper than having it colored at the beauty shop. This liquid-crème permanent hair color must be combined with a gentle cream hair developer.
What Color of Permanent Hair Color Should I Choose
First start with a color that is close to your current hair color. As a brunette I started with medium brown for the first couple of colorings. Then I started using half the medium brown along with the light brown then transitioned to only using the light brown.
How to Use the Liquid-Crème Permanent Hair Color
Please be sure to read all package inserts to decide what works best for your hair in determining how much product to use and for how long to leave the product on your hair. The liquid-crème hair color tube has markings on it to let you know how much product to use. As for me and my medium length hair I put 2ml of the permanent anti-aging hair color into the applicator bottle and then filled the bottle up to the 90ml marking with the hair developer. I then shook the bottle to thoroughly combine the ingredients and prepared to apply to dry hair.
How to Apply Hair Color
Start at the top of your head and make a part in the center with a comb. Run the tip of the applicator filled with color down through the part on your scalp from front to back down gently squeezing the bottle distributing a thin layer of hair color product. Once all roots are covered throughout your head then apply the remainder of the color throughout your hair locks making sure all strands are covered. I personally left the product on my hair for about 15 minutes. After that, I rinsed my hair in warm water until the water ran clear, applied an after color sealer/conditioner, rinsed my hair again and then towel dried. Viola! I had colored my hair at home all by myself.

Tip: To lessen the noticeability of the color changes in your hair try pulling it into a pony tail, bun or use a hair clamp while going through the transition.
The Process on How to Go Gray Gracefully Within a Year
The Best Hair Color Product for Transitioning to Gray
Transitioning to gray is never an easy process. People will try to talk you out of it and they will even go as far as telling you that you’re not old enough to go gray. So, when is a good time to go gray? When you are ready! Make your decision to stop using a permanent color, set a date and do it! Next, just so you know, you’re not going to stop coloring your hair right away but you should stop using the permanent hair coloring product. That’s right! You’ll want to transition to a hair color that contains no ammonia and no peroxide.
Semi-Permanent No Ammonia and No Peroxide Hair Color
The first step in going gray is to use a product that will be less harsh on your hair. The safest hair color product used in helping me to go gray gracefully was this semi-permanent hair color for gray coverage that moisturizes, contains no ammonia and is peroxide free. The key word here is no ammonia and peroxide free! There are well over twenty colors to choose from that can help you get started in this transition. I first started with honey brown and finally transitioned to light golden chestnut as my final color.
How to Use the Semi-Permanent Hair Color (No Ammonia and No Peroxide Hair Color)
This product is super easy to use because there is no mixing products. You just apply the entire bottle using the same process as noted above with the permanent color. The only difference is that the hair color is applied to damp hair. I left the hair color on for about 15 minutes, rinsed until the water ran clear, applied a conditioner, rinsed again and then towel dried.
When to Stop Coloring Your Hair and Go Gray Gracefully
Pick A Date
After you’ve been coloring your hair for at least four months with the semi-permanent hair color then it’s time to pick a date that you will actually stop coloring your hair. Yes, pick the date and then make it happen and STOP COLORING YOUR HAIR! This is when you should begin the process of going gray gracefully in less than a year.
Get a Buddy
Once you stop coloring your hair you will need a support group. I highly recommend finding a friend, neighbor or co-worker that supports your decision to go gray. If you are on Facebook look into joining groups like The Gray Book – Inspiration for going gray! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/thegraybook/) or Going Grey Gracefully. There is a ton of support in both of these groups. Trust me, you will need some type of coaching to help you get through this process mentally. Because there may be a time or two when you want to cave and go back to coloring and I’d sure hate to see you do that.
Pick a New Hairstyle
Find yourself a new hairstyle that suits you. More than likely you’ll need a shorter chic style. I recommend looking online at these wigs and then choose a style or two or three that you could see yourself in. I didn’t say buy a wig but you always could if that suits you.
Go Gray Gracefully and Make Scheduled Hair Appointments
Now, make that hair appointment and get that new doo. Out with the old and in with the new. Be sure to make regular hair appointments to cut out the old color. You’ll be surprised how quickly that beautiful silver gray will start showing through.
Does Gray Hair Need Special Shampoo?
Gray hair does need some special attention outside your normal shampoo. Throughout the years I have used Wen Cleansing Conditioner as it contains no parabens, sulfates or formaldehyde. I love how Wen leaves my hair feeling moisturized, tamed and fizz free. Therefore, I continue to use the Wen Cleansing Conditioner when washing my hair but I also use a purple shampoo. Yes, the most popular shampoo to use when transitioning to gray is a purple shampoo that should be used at least once a week. And on opposite weeks maybe use this deep shine creamy conditioner. The purple products help to eliminate brassiness and are primarily focused for platinum, silver, gray, white and blonde hair types.
My Personal Photo Gallery Transition on Going Gray Gracefully

This was the month I stopped coloring

Look at those roots!

This was right before my scheduled cut

This was right after my haircut

My new style after my hair cut

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