Raising Honey Bees As A Hobby
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How To Get Started In Raising Honey Bees
If you have been interested in raising honey bees and don’t even know where to begin, I’ve got a few tips to help you get started.
This post is a basic 101 introductory where you will learn just a few helpful tips about beekeeping. Like when and where to get your bees and where you can find free and helpful support because you are not alone. There are hundreds of people right now out in this world that want to raise honey bees. I know, because I was one of those people at one time. But I am here to share my experiences, good and bad, with you.
First let me start off by saying, raising honey bees is not a cheap hobby but in the long run it is a very rewarding one. The initial set up to starting a bee colony can be somewhat expensive. Below are a few pieces of equipment to consider before ever obtaining bees like:
- A beehive to house the honey bees once you bring them home
- A bee suit to help protect yourself from getting stung (optional but recommended)
- Elbow length gloves to protect your hands
- A hat/veil to protect your face while working with the bees
Your best bet is to start off with a Bee Hive Kit. It can really get the ball rolling without alot of start up expense.

When Is The Best Time To Start Raising Honey Bees?
The most successful time of the year to start raising honey bees is in the springtime. Reason so, that’s when bee breeders usually have nucleus colonies or nucs for sale. But, a word of advise, do your research early and look for a bee breeder during the winter months. The earlier you make contact with a bee breeder the more likely you may get a discount.

What Is A Nucleus Colony Or Nuc?
A nucleus colony, also known as a nuc, is usually a small colony of bees that includes one queen. The nuc box is considered your starter bees which usually contains five brood frames and holds around 10,000 to 15,000 bees. The nuc box can be made of hard plastic or even a heavy wax coated cardboard box. Below is a photo of the nuc colonies we got when we first picked up our bees. We adopted our honey bees the spring of 2020 and they currently live in Southern Missouri in our backyard.

Where Can I Find Bees To Start My Hive?
Finding bee’s takes a little homework. You’ll be surprised but an apiarist or beekeeper may be right in your own backyard. Social media is a good place to start. For example, there are all kinds of “Groups” to join on Facebook. But you’ll want to join a group that is in your area. I currently reside near the Kansas /Missouri border and I belong to the Kansas Beekeepers and the Missouri Beekeepers Facebook Groups. You’ll not only be able to locate an apiarist or bee breeder near you in a group like this but you’ll get a lot of free advice.
Another place to find beekeepers or breeders is at your local farm feed store. Be on the lookout for a sign similar to the below photo. Or head to your local farmers market. I’m sure you’ll find a beekeeper selling honey there that could be a resource. Or just search Google for a Beekeeper Association near you.

What Does It Take To Become A Beekeeper?
Again, raising honey bees is not a cheap hobby by all means. If I have sparked your interest and you are wanting the nitty gritty on becoming a beekeeper please head to my next post, How To Become A Beekeeper. That post gets into even more details on supplies needed, where you can get the supplies, the cost in setting up your beehive, where you should put your hive and a few other tips. I share all this because if you really want to become a beekeeper I want you to be successful.
***Please come back and share your comments and tell my readers about your Honey Bee experience.***
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Save The Bee’s

Botantial Interests states: A collection of flowers to attract and nurture bees in your garden.
Have you ever noticed how many different types of bees there are in your garden? There are around 4000 native species of bees in the U.S.! In the home garden alone you might see small blue mason bees, green iridescent bees, black bees with wings like stained glass, leaf-cutter bees, and bumblebees. They are all important for crop pollination, and fascinating to watch in action. If you would like to support your local bee population, and “hire” more bees to work inside your garden, be sure to avoid using pesticides, and plant a wide variety of bee-friendly flowers and flowering herbs, such as the varieties in this collection. “Bee” sure to plant some near your vegetables to draw more bees to pollinate your crops.
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Ângela Sala
Valuable content.