Kitchen Gadget Must Haves
Ideas for Every Kitchen
There may be affiliate links in this post! By clicking on them, or purchasing recommended items I may receive a small compensation, at no cost to you! I only recommend products I absolutely love and would use in my own home!
See disclosure policy for more information!
This Page includes kitchen gadgets & products used for many of Jett’s recipes!
You can find a library of Jett’s YouTube video’s here too.
Looking for recommendations for kitchen gadgets?
Take a gander through our library. For more information on the product click on photo or named kitchen gadget.
As new recipes are posted new gadgets and recommendations will be added. Be sure to check back often for updated listings.
We are very excited to receive our Black Garlic Fermenter Box!
Look for a new post sometime in mid-late December 2018
Picture Library
(not in any particular order)
Section 1
This kitchen utensil is a must when making Pecan or Almond Tassies
BUY IT: Norpro 3253 Tart Tamper, Brown on Amazon
We use this for making Pecan and Almond Tassies BUY IT: Wilton Perfect Results Non-Stick Mini Muffin and Cupcake Pan on Amazon
We like having two mini muffin pans so that way while one is in the oven we can start preparing the other pan. We like having two mini muffin pans so that way while one is in the oven we can start preparing the other pan.
Keeps stovetops free of greasy splatter messes.
BUY IT: Squish Collapsible Spatter Guard on Amazon
Round Pretzels for making sweet treats. See chocolate pretzel recipe
BUY IT: Wege Circle Pretzel Os, Round Salted Pretzels 28 ounce Barrel on Amazon
This food processor is very similar to the one we used in the video for making pie crust.
BUY IT: Hamilton Beach 12-Cup Stack and Snap Food Processor (70725A) on Amazon
Perfect for making the 9-inch pie crust. Get the right size!
BUY IT: OXO Good Grips Silicone Pastry Mat on Amazon
We like using a glass pie pan
BUY IT: Anchor Hocking Glass Pie Dish, Set of 2 on Amazon
Save your crust from burning. It works!
BUY IT: Norpro 3277 10-Inch Pie Crust Shield on Amazon
Pie Serving Set
Love this for making whipped cream! LOVE IT!
BUY IT: iSi Easy Whip Plus, 1 Pint, White on Amazon
You will need N2O chargers for the iSi Whipped Cream maker.
These are hard to come by so it’s best to get them on-line.
BUY IT: iSi North America N2O Cream Chargers, 24-Pack on Amazon
Transport or store pies perfectly
BUY IT: Sweet Creations, vented, locking multi purpose pie carrier, cookies, party platter on Amazon
If you want the no hassle of kneading for making bread. Just insert ingredients and take out bread!
We give back to the earth by composting our kitchen scraps
(veggies, fruits and other compostable items)
BUY IT: Utopia Kitchen Stainless Steel Compost Bin for Kitchen Countertop – 1.3 Gallon Compost Bucket Kitchen Pail Compost with Lid – Includes 1 Spare Charcoal Filter on Amazon
This brush is a must for cleaning fruits and vegetables! Love it!
BUY IT: Full Circle The Ring Bamboo Vegetable Cleaning Brush on Amazon
Oh my! Boiled cider is 100% apple cider. This stuff is wonderful to use if you don’t have apples.
BUY IT: Boiled Cider Syrup 16oz by Wood Cider Mill on Amazon
If you want to make sourdough bread you will need this starter.
Great for making sourdough bread or our sourdough waffles.
To core apples we use this gadget.
BUY IT: Cuisinart CTG-07-AC Elements Apple Corer on Amazon
Meat/Potato Masher – He likes this one!
This Apples Slicer/Corer produces 8 Slices
This Apple Corer/Slicer make 16 pieces – Jett’s favorite!
BUY IT: Progressive International GPC-2700 16 Count Thin Apple Slicer and Corer on Amazon
These bags are perfect for filling deviled eggs, cream puffs and for drizzling chocolate.
BUY IT: Wilton Disposable Candy Piping Bags, 12-Count on Amazon
Make fancy tops to cream puffs, cup cakes, cakes or deviled eggs with these decorating tips.
Section 2
Perfect for sprinkling powdered sugar. We recommend this set of four because you will use them all.
Wire Whisks are a must. Especially these three for a great deal. Yes, 3 are nice to have.
BUY IT: Basics Stainless Steel Wire Whisk Set – 3-Piece on Amazon
The easiest way to make sushi! We absolutely love this to pieces. See our recipe Sushi Rolls.
(we use this in place of Soy Sauce)
BUY IT: Liquid Amino by Bragg on Amazon
Great for beginners and children
BUY IT: 20 Sets FUN CHOP Chopstick Helper FunChop GREAT GIFT on Amazon
Recommended Books
BUY IT: Sushi at Home: Mat-to-Table Sushi Cookbook by Rockridge Press Kindle Edition
Sushi: The Beginner’s Guide by AYA Imatani
BUY IT: Sushi: The Beginners Guide by Aya Imatani on Amazon
The Sprouting Book: How to Grow and Use Sprouts to Maximize Your Health and Vitality
BUY PAPERBACK BOOK: The Sprouting Book: How to Grow and Use Sprouts to Maximize Your Health and Vitality
Author Ann Wigmore by Avery on Amazon
BUY THE KINDLE VERSION: The Sprouting Book: How to Grow and Use Sprouts to Maximize Your Health and Vitality Author Ann Wigmore by Avery on Amazon
Rice Paper for Spring Rolls. See our Spring Roll recipe.
BUY IT: Banh Trang Spring Rolls Rice Paper on Amazon
Section 3
We love the size of this slicer and the different cuts it makes.
BUY IT: Cook Works by Art + Cook 13-Piece Super Slicer on Amazon
Wilton 9 Inch Angled Spatula, With Black Handle
BUY IT: Wilton 9 Inch Angled Spatula, With Black Handle on Amazon
This cutter is so user friendly and takes up less storage in the kitchen drawer.
The Big Book of Kombucha: Brewing, Flavoring, Enjoying the Health Benefits of Fermented Tea
by Storey Publishing, LLC
Kindle version on Amazon: The Big Book of Kombucha: Brewing, Flavoring, Enjoying the Health Benefits of Fermented Tea by Storey Publishing, LLC
Good Book
Prefer hardcover or eBooks?
Buy the hardcover book on Amazon: Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be by Rachel Hollis and published by Thomas Nelson.
Buy the eBook on Amazon: Buy the Kindle eBook of Girl, Wash Your Face here
Section 4
Now that we have a Pineapple Slicer we eat more fresh pineapples! Love this gadget.
BUY IT: OXO Good Grips Ratcheting Pineapple Slicer on Amazon
Same thing with this Mango Slicer, Splitter, and Corer. So much easier to eat a mango.
BUY IT: OXO Good Grips Mango Slicer, Splitter, and Corer on Amazon
These Egg Spoons Are Perfect. They are so cute!
BUY IT: Spoons RSVP Endurance Stainless Steel Egg Spoons, Set of 4 Size:5½” on Amazon
Fresh Eggs Daily: Raising Happy, Healthy Chickens…Naturally
BUY IT: Fresh Eggs Daily: Raising Happy, Healthy Chickens…Naturally Kindle Edition
BUY IT: Fresh Eggs Daily: Raising Happy, Healthy Chickens…Naturally hardcover on Amazon
by Countryside Publications Ltd
We really enjoy this magazine.
SUBSCRIBE: Backyard Poultry by Countryside Publications Ltd on Amazon
Vitamix 5300
We use our Vitamix for tons of stuff. We like to take almonds and make almond flour, smoothies, puree foods to make soups, make our own caster sugar, it can even make ice cream.
Our favorite Lame for scoring bread
Section 5
This is the perfect jar for holding your bath salts.
Pink Himalayan Crystal Bath Salt
We use the Rose essential oil for our Bath Salt recipe
BUY IT: NOW Solutions Rose Absolute Oil, 1 ounce on Amazon
We also use these silicone lids on the mason jars. No fuss with canning lids and it comes off easily.
The Ultimate Beet Recipe Book
BUY IT: The Ultimate Beet Recipe Book: A Beet Cookbook for Beet Lovers Kindle Edition by
Beet The Odds
BUY IT: Beet The Odds by Neogenis Laboratories on Amazon
Section 6
Bakers Yeast. Instead of looking all over town like we initially did, save yourself some gas and get your yeast on-line. We use this for our Ginger Ale recipe.
Note: one pouch will last for several recipes.
BUY IT: Wine Yeast Lalvin EC-1118 Saccharomyces bayanus 5g pouch (5 pouches) by Lalvin on Amazon
We really like this hand juicer for quick jobs. You will be amazed at how handy it is!
BUY IT: Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer, Black – BISS on Amazon
This microplane also grates ginger, lemon and oranges in a jiff.
BUY IT: Microplane Premium Zester Grater – made in USA stainless steel blade – for zesting citrus and grating cheese -Soft touch handle – Black on Amazon
Once you have one funnel you will be glad you have 2, 3 and 4!
We especially use funnels for liquids. Works perfect for adding sugar or flour to jars.
We use these to bottle up our Ginger Ale, Kombucha, and Elderberry Syrup
Section 7
An Avocado Book!
BUY IT: Available in Kindle book or hard cover on Amazon; An Avocado a Day by Lara Ferroni by Sasquatch Books
Jett can’t live without this hand chopper.
It’s her favorite!
BUY IT: Hand Chopper on Amazon
It can be found on Amazon.
BUY IT: Avocado Slicer on Amazon
We like cooking in stoneware
BUY IT: Le Creuset Heritage Stoneware 9″ Square Dish, Cerise (Cherry Red) by Le Creuset on Amazon
This stainless steel garnish crinkle cutter is perfect for slicing potatoes. Makes other vegetables look pretty too.
BUY IT: Stainless Steel Garnish Crinkle Cutter – 7 Inch Blade on Amazon
If you don’t have an egg cooker you really should get one. We love ours.
BUY IT: Elite Cuisine EGC-007 Egg Cooker on Amazon
Most egg cookers will have an egg piercer.
If you don’t have an egg cooker then you will want to get one of these.
Each set contains two trays. We have two sets and made a three stack.
Fresh Eggs Daily raising happy, healthy chickens….naturally
by Lisa Steele
BUY Book: Fresh Eggs Daily, raising healthy happy chickens on Amazon. Published by St. Lynn’s Press
BUY KINDLE: Fresh Eggs Daily raising healthy happy chickens on Amazon
For a kick to deviled eggs.
BUY IT: Smoked Paprika by McCormick on Amazon
Section 8
KitchenAid Ultra Hand Mixer. This is the only one we have ever had.
BUY IT: KitchenAid White 5-Speed Ultra Power Hand Mixer on Amazon
Wilton 9″ Springform cheesecake pan
BUY IT: Wilton 9″ Springform cheesecake pan on Amazon
BUY IT: Sifting Pan on Amazon
This cake stand is awesome to show off your beautiful pastries! IT’S PLASTIC!
BUY IT: GuzziniTiffany Collection Raised Cake Stand with Dome Lid, SMMA Plastic, 14-Inches, Transparent on Amazon
We like using marble rolling pins like this one
BUY IT: Fox Run 4050 Marble Rolling Pin and Base, White on Amazon
You must have a pastry brush!
BUY IT: Norpro 2015 Pastry Brush, 1-1/2-Inch on Amazon
You’ll need a yard stick for measuring. We use one with our croissant recipe.
BUY IT: Westcott Wood Yardstick, 36″ on Amazon
Section 9
Do you ever sit in bed and wish you had a table like this? Perfect for Sunday’s breakfast in bed.
BUY IT: Greenco Bamboo Foldable Breakfast Table, Laptop Desk, Bed Table, Serving Tray on Amazon
There is no other spatula that compares. We have 2!
BUY IT: The Pampered Chef Large Serving Spatula #2626 on Amazon
This mini spatula is used most at our house. We should probably have 2 of these but we don’t.
BUY IT: 1 X Pampered Chef Mini-Serving Spatula #2622 on Amazon
Wax for our lip balm recipe. We love everything about it!
NOW Solutions Coconut Oil 7 oz
BUY IT: 3 Gram Jar, 3 ML Jar, 50 pcs, BPA Free, Cosmetic Sample Empty Container, Plastic, Round Pot Black Screw Cap Lid, Small Tiny 3gm Bottle, for Make Up, Eye Shadow, Nails, Powder, Paint, Jewelry by Housables on Amazon
We use this glass dropper for filling up the lip balm tubes. Works perfect.
These are the labels used on the lip balm containers.
Section 10
Buy the book on Amazon: Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet by Rodale Books
Buy the Kindle version on Amazon: Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet by Rodale Books (Kindle version)
Flowering Tea; TEABLOOM TIMELESS MOMENTS Makes a great gift!
We use raw honey in our elderberry syrup recipe. Raw has better healing properties.
BUY IT: Savannah Bee Company Acacia Honey 12oz jar on Amazon
Bet you didn’t think you would see one of these. Yes, Jett sews too. Nothing major just fun stuff.
BUY IT: SINGER 4452 Heavy Duty Sewing Machine
This is the last of the photo gallery. Below is the library and video gallery
Kitchen Gadgets A through H:
- Syrup Bottles
- Food chopper-hand held
- Hand-held blender (no photo in gallery)
Kitchen Gadgets I through Z:
- KitchenAid Hand Mixer
- Kitchen Funnel
- Lame
- Mesh Strainer (set of 4)
- Microplane
- Pastry Brush
- Pie Carrier
- Pie Crust Shield
- Pizza cutter
- Rolling Pin; marble
- Angled Spatula for icing
- Spatula Large
- Spatula mini
- Springform pan
- Stackable Sprouter Tray (no photo in gallery)
- Veggie Brush by Full Circle
- Waffle Maker
- Whipped Cream Maker
- Chargers for the Whipped Cream Maker
- Yard Stick (yes, I use one with my croissant recipe)
Food Products A through H:
- Acacia Raw Honey
- Bakers Yeast/Wine Yeast (we use for making our Ginger Ale)
- Bee’s wax
- Blooming Tea
- Bragg Liquid Aminos
- Coconut Oil for lip balm
- Essential Oil; Lemon
- Rose Essential Oil
Food Products I through Z:
- Oven-Ready Lasagna (no photo in gallery)
- Pretzel Rounds
- Smoked Paprika
- Sourdough Starter
- Sprout Seeds (see Stackable Sprouter Tray)
- Alfalfa Sprouts
- Lentil Sprouts
- Garbanzo Bean Sprouts
- Organic Bean Mix
- Adzuki Bean Sprouts
- Broccoli Sprouts
- Fenugreek
- Organic Salad Mix
- Purple Kohlrabi
- China Rose Radish
- Sandwich Mix
- Organic Sprouting Seed Collection
- Miscellaneous items:
- Books on Kindle
- ChopStick Helpers
- Decorating bags
- Lip Balm Sample Containers
- Glass Droppers
- Labels for Lip Balms
- Singer Sewing Machine
- An Avocado A Day by Lara Ferroni (Sasquatch Books)
- Betty Crocker Cookbook Bridal Edition, on Amazon
- Betty Crocker Cookbook: Everything you need to know to cook from scratch, on Amazon
- Cook’s Illustrated Cookbook, on Amazon
- Girl, Wash Your Face -Hardcover (see gallery for Kindle link)
- Joy of Cooking, 75th Anniversary Edition by Irma S Rombauer, Marion Rombauer Becker and Ethan Becker, on Amazon
- Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child (Knopf), on Amazon
- The King Arthur Flour: Baker’s Companion, on Amazon
- The Sprouting Book
- Find other books in picture library below
Jett’s Kitchen How To Video’s:
- How To Make The Perfect Pie Crust
- How To Make Fresh Squeezed Lemonade
- How To Easily Make Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice In Less Tha Five Minutes
- Wheatgrass and Pears; How to Juice
- Carrot Juice; How to Make
- Fresh Pineapple Juice; How to Make
- Kombucha Tea at Home – Take One; How to Make
- Vanilla Extract; How to Make
- Vanilla Sugar; How to Make
- Rolling Croissants
- How To Chop 3 Pounds of Onions Quick
- Crack Open Pistachio Nuts; How to