The Best Tasting Beef Bone Broth Recipe
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Beef Bone broth is a savory healing elixir that is made from beef bones and simmered with mirepoix & spices for 24-48 hours.
What Is Bone Broth?
Bone broth is a popular savory healing elixir. It can be made from animal bones (beef, chicken or fish) that requires simmering with mirepoix and spices for anywhere from 24 – 48 hours.
Mirepoix is a combination of aromatic veggies that gives a subtle background flavor to dishes such as soups, broths, and stews. Mirepoix is just a fancy term for carrots, onions and celery.
Bone Broth Benefits
Bone broth has many benefits but let’s back up for a minute. What is in the bone that makes everyone want to consume this broth. Bone broth is good for the immune system as it is rich in minerals and contains healing compounds like collagen.
Bones are full of collagen/gelatin, proteins and is rich in minerals.
Collagen helps give our skin strength and elasticity. As we age our collagen production in our body begins to slow down thus leaving us with signs of aging, such as wrinkles, looser skin and joint pains. Other factors that age our skin include a diet high in sugar, smoking and high amounts of sun exposure. Consuming foods like bone broth can aid in healing our body. So let’s discuss some of the benefits.
Health Benefits of Collagen
- The collagen in bone broth provides a healthy gut and heals the lining of your gut and reduces intestinal inflammation making it great for individuals that suffer from Crohn’s disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and leaky gut syndrome.
- Collagen helps to relieve joint pain and aids in helping joints move more easily.
- Speeds up the body’s natural healing processes from things like sports injuries.
- Improves skin health by preventing acne, reducing wrinkles and dryness and increases skin elasticity. Collagen is what gives skin its healthy and youthful appearance.
- Strengthens hair and promotes hair growth. It may prevent signs of hair loss.
- The collagen also strengthens nails and teeth.
- Promotes heart health by preventing the dangerous buildup of plaque in our arteries that leads to arteriosclerosis.
- Helps detoxify the liver.
- Builds muscle and repairs tissues.
- It’s also used during fasting for weight loss.
Beef Bones
Start out with 100% grass-fed beef bones. You may not be able to find beef bones at the grocery stores but you will most likely find them at your local meat market. Be sure to get the bones that include cartilage like knee joints.

Recipe For Making The Best Tasting Beef Bone Broth
Supplies needed:
- Cake pan
- Aluminum foil
- Tongs
- Large crock pot or slow cooker
- Slotted spoon
- strainer
- storage containers
- Large bowl
- 5-10 beef bones with cartilage
- 3-4 large carrots sliced
- 3-4 celery stalks sliced
- 1 large onion cut in fourths (below are onions from my garden that I needed to use up)
- 3 garlic cloves peeled and smashed
- 1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
- 1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar (the kind with the Mother)
- Pepper

Roast Bones
Preheat oven to 425° Fahrenheit. Prepare cake pan and cover with aluminum foil. Add bones. Sprinkle with pepper and roast for 30-45 minutes turning occasionally. This process is what will give your broth its deep rich brown color.

Prepare Slow Cooker
Remove bones from oven and set aside to cool. Add bones to slow cooker (discard drippings). Arrange bones so they are on bottom of crock pot. Add remaining ingredients.

Add Water
Fill crock pot with water making sure all bones and vegetables are covered. Note: adding too much water is the most common mistake of making bone broth. Let the ingredients sit for one hour. The apple cider vinegar will help pull the minerals out of the bones.
Put lid on crock pot and put heat setting on low to medium setting and cook for 24-48 hours. Cooking bones longer than 3 days can result in burnt broth. The ideal temperature for making bone broth is between 170 – 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Please note that a crock pot is recommended over a pressure cooker. Even though pressure cookers cook foods faster a Pressure cooker will reach temperatures of 250 degrees fahrenheit. Some proteins can’t tolerate the high heat produced by the pressure cookers/insta-pots and are therefore destroyed. Which completely defies the purpose of making a nutritious bone broth therefore I only recommend using a crockpot on low simmering heat when making bone broth.

Once your broth is done cooking turn off the heat and let cool. While cooling down remove bones and vegetables with slotted spoon and place in a plastic bag to discard. When broth has cooled strain liquid and put into containers. I recommend these Ball plastic freezer containers. Bone broth keeps for 5 days in the refrigerator. It also freezes well and keeps for months in the freezer.

This is how your bone broth should look. If it looks like this then you have been successful. Enjoy!

Another way to tell if you have made a successful batch of bone broth. A gelatin rich broth will jiggle when chilled and relax when warmed.

***Please come back and share your comments and tell my readers how you like this recipe.***
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Beef Bone Broth
Beef Bone broth is a savory healing elixir that is made from beef bones and simmered with mirepoix & spices for 24-48 hours.
- 5-10 beef bones with cartilage
- 3-4 large carrots (sliced)
- 3-4 celery stalks (sliced)
- 1 large onion (cut in fourths)
- 3 garlic cloves (peeled and smashed)
- 1 t whole black peppercorns
- 1 T Apple Cider Vinegar (the kind with the mother)
- Pepper
Roast Bones
Preheat oven to 425° Fahrenheit. Prepare cake pan and cover with aluminum foil. Add bones. Sprinkle with pepper and roast for 30-45 minutes turning occasionally. This process is what will give your broth its deep rich brown color.
Prepare Slow Cooker
Remove bones from oven and set aside to cool. Add bones to slow cooker (discard drippings). Arrange bones so they are on bottom of crock pot. Add remaining ingredients.
Add Water
Fill crock pot with water making sure all bones and vegetables are covered. Note: adding too much water is the most common mistake of making bone broth. Let the ingredients sit for one hour. The apple cider vinegar will help pull the minerals out of the bones.
Put lid on crock pot and put heat setting on low to medium setting and cook for 24-48 hours. Cooking bones longer than 3 days can result in burnt broth. The ideal temperature for making bone broth is between 170 – 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Please note that a crock pot is recommended over a pressure cooker. Even though pressure cookers cook foods faster a Pressure cooker will reach temperatures of 250 degrees fahrenheit. Some proteins can’t tolerate the high heat produced by the pressure cookers/insta-pots and are therefore destroyed. Which completely defies the purpose of making a nutritious bone broth therefore I only recommend using a crockpot on low simmering heat when making bone broth.
Once your broth is done cooking turn off the heat and let cool. While cooling down remove bones and vegetables with slotted spoon and place in a plastic bag to discard. When broth has cooled strain liquid and put into containers. I recommend these Ball plastic freezer containers. Bone broth keeps for 5 days in the refrigerator. It also freezes well and keeps for months in the freezer.
Buy the book or Kindle version on Amazon: Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet by Rodale Books
Hi Friends, Jett here. I received a question from one of my readers. “Can I make bone broth in an Insta-pot?”
The ideal temperature for making bone broth is between 170 – 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Pressure cookers reach temperatures of 250 degrees.
Some proteins can’t tolerate the high heat produced by the pressure cookers/insta-pots and are therefore destroyed.
I only recommend using a crockpot on low simmering heat when making bone broth.
Marsha Finn
Excellent bone broth recipe, thanks for sharing!
Thank you Marsha! I appreciate your input and glad that you liked it!
I am wondering why it is important to use raw apple cider vinegar. The heat of cooking will kill the beneficial organisms anyway. Would white vinegar work just as well.
That’s a great question Shawnelle. ACV with the Mother is “the real deal” and more potent than regular ACV’s. There are other ACV’s available that are filtered or diluted which is why I mentioned to use the kind with the Mother. You are correct. The heat will kill the helpful organisms once it reaches temperatures of around 125 degrees fahrenheight. As for white vinegar, I generally use that for cleaning because of its high acidity. I have never used white vinegar in my bone broth recipes so I’m not sure if it will work as well. I have heard of others using lemon juice in place of vinegar if that helps any.
Parry Frank
I wonder why roasing the bones at 425 for 30 minutes is suggested but boiling is thought to degrade the proteins. What is the difference?
Hi Parry: roasting the bones is really an option. It just helps to give the broth a warmer color. This rather short time under the broiler does not penetrate deep into the bone whereas if the bones are submerged in boiling water for hours is where the breakdown occurs. Hope this helps.
Hi, do you think is possible to make the bone broth using sous vide?
Filipe: I received a sous vide as a gift and have yet to use it. That is a great question! I’m sorry but since I have not tried it I cannot give advise on your question. I wouldn’t see why you couldn’t though. If you do try it please come back and let me know how it works. I’d love to put my sous vide to work.