Organic Elderberry Spice Syrup Recipe
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Organic Elderberry Spice Syrup is a homemade elixir. It helps to boost the immune system and protect against colds and flu-like symptoms.
Prepare yourself for making a healing elixir experience by using ingredients that are used to help strengthen the immune system. The recipe ingredients include filtered water, organic dried elderberries, cinnamon, honey (raw honey that is), whole cloves and fresh ginger!
What is Organic Elderberry Spice Syrup or Elixir good for?
Elderberries have been known for their medicinal properties in relieving flu and cold like symptoms. Elderberry syrup may help prevent and shorten the duration of viral infections. The elderberry plant has been used for many years for its healing properties through medicines, foods, and beverages.
The spice ingredients that are used in making this elderberry syrup, cinnamon, cloves, raw honey and fresh ginger, all have healing properties. Although there are many different health benefits for all of these ingredients listed below are benefits focused for when using for this elderberry syrup/elixir.
- Cinnamon has a ton of antioxidant properties and may help fight bacteria that cause colds and strep throat.
- Cloves not only adds flavor but they too are high in antioxidants and provide antibacterial properties.
- Honey has its benefits as well. And not just regular honey but Raw Honey and it can help protect against bacterial infections.
- Ginger can help strengthen the immune system. Using the combination of ginger and honey can help your body fight off sickness.

How much elderberry elixir should I take?
That’s a great question. According to WebMD, research has shown that 15 milliliters (15 mL) or one Tablespoon of elderberry syrup, taken three to five times per day, is sufficient for resolving cold symptoms if taken early enough.

Where to get Organic Elderberries
Well, there are three options on obtaining organic elderberries. 1) you can grow your own 2) the farmers market may be an option or 3) purchase some dried organic elderberries online.
Growing Elderberries
Did you know you can grow and harvest your own elderberries? We got an elderberry bush in the fall of 2019. Unfortunately in the spring of 2020 the Japanese Beetles got ahold of our elderberry bush and had a nice feast and we didn’t get not even a bud of berries. Same thing with 2021. Finally, in the spring of 2023 I decided to place a netting cover over my elderberry bush so that the bugs could not damage the blooms and maybe I could get a harvest. Well, June of 2023, I made my very first elderberry harvest.

Where to Buy Elderberries
If you’re not growing your own elderberries you may be lucky and find them at your local Farmer’s Market. Since elderberries are a seasonal product you may have a difficult time finding them at your local market. Therefore, I highly recommend purchasing your elderberries online. I usually get a one-pound package of dried elderberries allowing me to make a few batches during the year. If you’d like more in depth information on elderberries? Then try this beginners guide.
Elderberry Syrup Precautions
Elderberry seeds, leaves and stems of the plant can be toxic. Therefore, elderberries should always be cooked and NEVER consumed raw. And avoid eating any other part of the plant.
Due to this recipe using raw honey NEVER give to a child younger than one year of age. This is extremely important with any honey products.
Elderberry can trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements or medications. For these reasons, below are a few precautions you should take and its recommended to check with your healthcare provider to see if you can or should consume products made with elderberries.
- If you have an autoimmune disease check with your physician before taking elderberry syrup/elixir.
- If you are taking immunosuppressors check with your physician before taking elderberry syrup/elixir.
- Be sure to check with your physician if you are considering giving to your child under the age of 18
- If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding check with your physician
Organic Elderberry Spice Syrup Recipe
Organic Elderberry Spice Syrup is a homemade elixir. It helps to boost the immune system and protect against colds and flu-like symptoms. Use all ingredients that are Organic, Raw, Vegan friendly, and Non-GMO if at all possible!
- 3/4 cup dried elderberries
- 3 cups filtered water
- 1 Cinnamon stick
- 4 Whole Cloves
- 1 Tablespoon fresh Ginger (I recommend using about 2 inches of ginger peeled and sliced)
- 1/2 Cup raw honey (you will get the most health benefits from raw honey)
Boil water
In a medium saucier pan bring water to boil.
Simmer Ingredients
Stir in 3/4 cup dried elderberries, 1 cinnamon stick, 4 whole cloves and 2 inches of ginger peeled and sliced to the boiling water. Immediately turn the heat down to low and simmer for 45 minutes.
Remove Solids
Remove pan from heat and strain liquid into a large glass bowl and discard all solids. Allow mixture to cool to room temperature. Then add 1/2 cup raw honey and mix well.

Store Syrup/Elixir
Store your Elderberry Syrup in an airtight glass container or in swing top bottles in the refrigerator for up to two months. I also love using these clear bottles for giving my homemade Elderberry Syrup/Elixir away for gifts.

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Organic Elderberry Spice Syrup Recipe
Organic Elderberry Spice Syrup is a homemade elixir. It helps to boost the immune system and protect against colds and flu-like symptoms.
- 3/4 cup dried elderberries
- 3 cups filtered water
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 4 whole cloves
- 1 Tablespoon fresh ginger peeled and sliced (2 inches)
- 1/2 cup raw honey
Boil Water
In a medium saucier pan bring 3 cups filtered water to boil.
Simmer Ingredients
Stir in 3/4 cup dried elderberries, 1 cinnamon stick, 4 whole cloves and 2 inches of ginger peeled and sliced to the boiling water. Immediately turn the heat down to low and simmer for 45 minutes.
Remove Solids
Remove pan from heat and strain liquid into a large glass bowl and discard all solids. Allow mixture to cool to room temperature. Then add 1/2 cup raw honey and mix well.
Store Syrup/Elixir
Store your Elderberry Syrup in an airtight glass container or in swing top bottles in the refrigerator for up to two months. I also love using these clear bottles for giving my homemade Elderberry Syrup/Elixir away for gifts.