Honey Buttermilk Bread Recipe

Bread Recipe; Honey Buttermilk Bread

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Making Beautiful Bread

Honey buttermilk bread recipe
I get so excited when my bread comes out looking beautiful.

You’ve got to try this honey buttermilk bread recipe! It is rather easy to make, looks good, tastes good and makes a wonderful toast or grilled cheese sandwich!

homemade grilled cheese sandwich using honey buttermilk bread recipe
Homemade honey buttermilk bread grilled cheese sandwich.

Honey Buttermilk Bread Recipe

I love making breads! I have several bread recipes. Some of my other bread recipes include sourdough, french baguettes, ciabatta bread, and dinner rolls.

Since I have success making breads I like sharing the recipes because everyone should at least try and make bread sometime in their life!

There is something about making homemade bread! It is a great accomplishment to watch flour turn into dough and dough turn into bread!

It not only makes the house smell good but homemade fresh bread tastes good too, if it’s made right. So, let’s get to making bread!


  • 1 Tablespoon active dry yeast or 1 packet yeast
  • 1/4 cup warm water (105 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 2 cups warm buttermilk (105 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 6 cups white bread flour
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter melted and cooled
  • 1 Tablespoon melted butter to brushing with bread after baked.

I like using my stand mixer. For one thing because I have it and another it makes making bread easy. But, if you don’t have a stand mixer you can mix and knead the flour by hand to make the dough.

vintage mixing bowls
Vintage mixing bowls


Combine Ingredients

In a medium bowl or the stand mixer bowl mix yeast, sugar, and warm water together and set aside for about 5 minutes or until it becomes foamy.

Tip: When warming the buttermilk do so slowly stirring constantly and it’s best to use an instant thermometer. Otherwise, you may end up with curdled milk. Need a buttermilk recipe? See my How to make homemade buttermilk recipe.

Add warmed buttermilk, honey, salt and baking soda to the yeast mixture.

Adding Flour

Slowly add three cups of flour and mix on low speed until mixture becomes smooth. This should take about 5 minutes.

Pour the melted butter in with the batter and continue mixing until combined.

Add remaining flour slowly, one cup at a time, mixing on slow speed then bump up to medium to medium high.

When dough pulls away from the side of the bowl remove and place in a lightly greased bowl.

I like using a non-stick cooking spray. Spray the bowl and then use a paper towel to gently wipe the bowl.

Put the dough in the bowl then spray my hand and rub the top of the dough with my hand then cover with a clean flour sack dish towel handmade by Carol.

First Proof

honey buttermilk bread recipe; dough ready for it's first rise
Dough ready for first rise.

Allow dough to rise for its first proof for 1 1/2 hours or until it doubles in size. This is best done in a draft free area like in the microwave.

honey buttermilk bread recipe; the first rise

After the dough has doubled in size give it a good punch! I know that may not seem right but just do it and don’t feel guilty! LOL

Punch It!

punching the dough

After giving the dough a firm punch divide it in half. I like using my kitchen scale and making sure each half weighs about the same.  I use the scale ALL THE TIME! That way the loafs should turn out about the same size.

Shape each piece of dough into loaves and place in greased loaf pans (I grease with unsalted butter) and grease tops of dough. If you haven’t noticed I like using glass loaf pans so I can see how the bread is cooking. It’s nice if you have 2 loaf pans as this recipe makes two loaves. Unfortunately, I need to get myself another glass loaf pan.

Second Proof

dough ready for its second proof

Cover the loaves with a dish towel and allow to rise for the second proof for 45 minutes in a draft free area or until it is just to the tops of the bread pans.

second proof


Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit and bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes. If the tops look like they are getting too brown cover with foil.

Remove loaves from oven and brush with melted butter. Allow to rest in loaf pan for ten minutes and turn out and completely cool on cooling rack.

Allow bread to cool completely prior to slicing. Get perfect slices every time with this awesome bread slicer.

store bread in bread bags
Store cooled loaves in bread bags.


honey buttermilk bread sliced



Something I Can’t Live Without!

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Honey buttermilk bread recipe
5 from 3 votes

Bread Recipe; Honey Buttermilk Bread

Try this easy recipe with step-by-step instructions for honey buttermilk bread. This bread is great as toast, for making grilled cheese sandwiches or alone.

Course Bread
Cuisine American
Keyword bread, homemade bread, honey
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Proofing time 2 hours 15 minutes
Total Time 3 hours 15 minutes
Servings 2 Loaves
Author Jettskitchen.com


  • 1 Tablespoon active dry yeast or 1 yeast packet
  • 1/4 cup warm water (105 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 2 cups warm buttermilk (105 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 6 cups white bread flour
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter melted and cooled
  • 1 Tablespoon melted butter for brushing on bread after baked


  1. Combine Ingredients:

    In a medium bowl or the stand mixer bowl mix yeast, sugar, and warm water together and set aside for about 5 minutes or until it becomes foamy.

    Tip: When warming the buttermilk do so slowly stirring constantly and it's best to use an instant thermometer. Otherwise, you may end up with curdled milk.

    Add warmed buttermilk, honey, salt and baking soda to the yeast mixture.

  2. Adding Flour:

    Slowly add three cups of flour and mix on low speed until mixture becomes smooth. This should take about 5 minutes.

    Pour the melted butter in with the batter and continue mixing until combined.

    Add remaining flour slowly, one cup at a time, mixing on slow speed then bump up to medium to medium high.

    When dough pulls away from the side of the bowl remove and place in a lightly greased bowl. I like using a non-stick cooking spray. Spray the bowl and then use a paper towel to gently wipe the bowl. Put the dough in the bowl then spray my hand and rub the top of the dough with my hand then cover with a clean flour sack dish towel.

  3. First Proof:

    Allow dough to rise for its first proof for 1 1/2 hours or until it doubles in size. This is best done in a draft free area like in the microwave.

    After the dough has doubled in size give it a good punch! I know that may not seem right but just do it and don't feel guilty! LOL

  4. Punch It!

    After giving the dough a firm punch divide it in half. I like using my kitchen scale and making sure each half weighs about the same.  I use the scale ALL THE TIME! That way the loafs should turn out about the same size.

    Shape each piece of dough into loaves and place in greased loaf pans (I grease with unsalted butter) and grease tops of dough. If you haven't noticed I like using glass loaf pans so I can see how the bread is cooking. It's nice if you have 2 loaf pans as this recipe makes two loaves. Unfortunately, I need to get myself another glass loaf pan.

  5. Second Proof:

    Cover the loaves with a dish towel and allow to rise for the second proof for 45 minutes in a draft free area or until it is just to the tops of the bread pans.

  6. Bake:

    Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit and bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes. If the tops look like they are getting too brown cover with foil.

    Remove loaves from oven and brush with melted butter. Allow to rest in loaf pan for ten minutes and turn out and completely cool on cooling rack.

    Store cooled loaves in bread bags.

  7. Enjoy!


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